Why do we focus on problems most of the time?
As humans, whenever an issue comes up, we mostly focus on problems first.
For instance, you like that hot looking colleague at work and think of asking her out. All of a sudden you begin getting doubts like she is too materialistic, too bossy or too beautiful ... yes, some guys have issues with beauty, but that's gist for another day.
Or some lady ruining a chance to meet a really cool guy, making him jump through hoops with their 'annoying' tests that claim to assess if he really cares.
We sometimes create problems where none exist, always thinking of bad things happening instead of good things unfolding.
It is important that we take a step back sometimes and think...
...think about the good times we might be missing by not giving in to that experience...
...think about 'what if it goes well' and not 'what if it goes badly'...
...think about how much happier and healthier we could be if we braved it and made that important choice in our lives.
Why do we focus on problems instead of looking for the opportunities within those problems?
"If life gives you lemons, just make some lemonade and chill"
Okay, I added the "...and chill" part 😁
Go enjoy yourself, life is too short to be filled with deliberate negativity.
(Let me know your thoughts, questions, observations, etc. about this blogpost or notifications in the comments below.)
Senior Tony Buzan Licensed Instructor
Global Accredited Mind Mapper
Founder, MindZone
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