We awoke to the sad news of the passing of Tony Buzan on the 13th of April 2019.
A man who helped shape me and many others; a man with seemingly boundless energy and creativity; a man dedicated to learning, teaching and broadening minds - a man who took it upon himself to change the world in his own, not so little, way.
Tony was an author, expert on the brain and learning, teacher, advisor to governments and a member of the prestigious mensa society.
Above all, he was the inventor of Mind Mapping.
The first time I heard about mind mapping, was at a friend's office in 2007. On his desk, I saw a copy of the book "How to Mind Map" and its small size, readily readable print as well as unique perspective, piqued my interest.
That and the fact that I have an obsession with books ... ahem, do not tell anyone I said that!
Anyway, I began reading and immediately fell in love! It was just as if the book was written for me, to me, by me - I comprehended it, felt it and agreed with its concepts and foundations.
Here was someone who finally understood me! And his name was TONY BUZAN.
Three years later, I became a globally accredited ThinkBuzan Licensed Instructor by travelling all the way from Nigeria, first to Dubai, UAE and then to Wales, UK. I had achieved a dream!
I already had an advanced degree before I started mind mapping. And like many others, before and after me, I wish the reverse were the case. How much better, efficient and exciting the learning experience would have been. Study would have been a breeze!
Needless to say, I currently approach learning like a jaguar approaches its prey - with an almost gait-like swagger - confident I am going to have a sumptuous meal in a short while, that would ultimately fuel my growth and development. Err... the jaguar analogy ends at 'gaitlike swagger'?
I believe that many of my undergrad classmates are bewildered by the transformation I seem to have undergone. How did a one-time 'happy-go-lucky' student suddenly change to become a Trainer lovingly imparting personal development to others? How?!
Well, if you must know, it's because I found Tony Buzan and Mind Mapping.
I have been mind mapping for over a decade now and it feels nerve-racking we will have to carry-on without Tony.
But carry-on we must.
He has passed the baton and we must safeguard and take it to the end of our journeys. Thereafter we can only hope that we would have contributed our own quota to its development, as did the inventor himself.
Warriors of the mind!
Senior Tony Buzan Licensed Instructor
Global Accredited Mind Mapper
Founder, MindZone
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