Goal Setting: To Be or Not To Be?

Uncategorized Jun 02, 2017

Setting goals and striving to achieve them has long been the talk of personal development experts in attaining success.  

As a matter of fact, a much touted study by an American Ivy League university on goal setting and writing as a prerequisite for success was disputed as false and disowned by none other than the university itself. Perhaps you have come across the study before? It was about two groups of students where one group wrote down their goals and the other did not? Several years later when results were analysed, the group that wrote their goals had more success than the other group, blah blah blah… 

For as many as those who believe in goal setting, there are probably equally as many who disagree.

Would you believe there are studies that imply goal setting might be harmful and even cause failure? Don't believe me? Then google it! Try any search parameter like 'goal setting is bad' and see what you get…

A renowned expert on habits and human potential, James Clear believes that rather than focus on the end goal, you should focus on gradual improvement via progress day-in, day-out.

Taking such baby steps towards your objective removes the apprehension and fear of failure that normally accompanies such undertaking. And since the daily, weekly or monthly steps you plan to take are negligible, you find yourself comfortably doing them and overtime you will happily find that you have indeed covered much ground.

"How do you eat an elephant?" Someone asked. "One bite at a time" came the answer.

Of course you wouldn't think of swallowing it in one fell swoop would you?

What?! Oh you don't eat elephants? 😳 Are you for real? Come on! It's a figure of speech -

Ok forget I said that. What if it were chicken? Would you swallow it whole?

😯 You are asking if it has bird flu?! 

I don tire jaré!

I'm signing out!!



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