The great Madiba, Nelson Mandela of Africa once said “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”. Great words from a great man, right? I am not advocating that you start campaigning for President so as to change THE world, (although if you do, I would not mind keeping in touch ;)). However, if you scale down and decide to change YOUR world, that would be a great starting point. Start small and grow from there on.
Remember what the Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu, proclaimed? “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”.
Clearly great achievements start from humble beginnings.
Last month we learnt that the ability to learn new skills faster and better is a critical skill set requirement today This is because it allows you upgrade your skills swiftly to meet up with current demands of the workplace or business. That way you do not get replaced by someone with better or more advanced skills in the workplace (or displaced by competition, if you run a business).
Your greatest asset is your mind. Your most magnificent ‘possession’ is the most amazing, complex super bio-computer in the world – your BRAIN.
The immense benefits of this wonderful resource can never be adequately utilized until you consciously USE it properly. I capitalized the word ‘use’ because that is the key word here. You see many people either misUSE or abUSE their brain.
But when you use it to learn new and useful things, it helps you to excel in life. When you learn how to use it to learn in a better, faster and more productive manner you then become a super learner!
You can learn to learn what you need to learn in a more effective and efficient way using the ultimate concept and thinking tool known as MIND MAPPING.
A MIND MAP is a visual ‘natural’ organisational thinking tool that replicates our thought process. This helps you focus on learning key issues or facts faster and better.
Mind Mapping was invented by world leading thought leader and consultant - TONY BUZAN, after extensive studies and research in various fields that include psychology, neurophysiology of the brain, neuro-linguistics, semantics, etc. It is also referred to as the “swiss army knife of the brain” due to its numerous uses apart from enhancing learning abilities.
With Mind Maps you can:
Find below a mind map and its various uses:
Due to their visual appeal, Tony Buzan refers to them as Flowers of Intelligence. Whether or not you agree, what would you prefer to review and/or study? Reams of written/typed notes or colourful and highly imaginative diagrams filled with knowledge?
Study it carefully and look at the structure, the dynamism, the colour, etc. What are your thoughts? Was it difficult to understand? Which of the uses highlighted in the mind map are most relevant to what you do? Where do you think they would be more useful or valuable in your life? Work? Business? School?
Let me know your thoughts, comment below or send an email to [email protected]. Perhaps we can even mind map them… ;)
Abdullahi Bello Umar
Founder, MindZone
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